• 尊龙凯时参鸡汤




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    5 kinds of foods were exposed to excessive benzoic acid

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    5 kinds of foods were exposed to excessive benzoic acid

    发布日期:2018-05-22 作者:Hebei meikeduo Food Group Co., Ltd. 点击:

    Because the content of benzoic acid was exceeded, five kinds of food products were ordered by the city's industrial and commercial bureau to stop the sale yesterday. Among them, 4 from Linyi, Shandong. The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce reminds consumers that any person who has purchased unqualified food may request the return of the sales unit with a shopping ticket and food packaging.

    Food Safety Information Publicity Beijing Morning Post Office of Beijing Industrial and Commercial Bureau

    List of restaurants in the city

    Nominal sample name Trade mark Sample size Sample production lot Labeled production unit name Failed item

    Kimchi Series Golden Lotus 168g bag 2008.11.02 Linyi Hedong District Zhengwang Golden Lotus sauce benzoic acid, sodium saccharin, etc.

    Crystal Garlic Ruixiang 200g/bag 2009.01.13 Chenguantun Town, Jinghai County, Tianjin

    Mengshan Dagen Baiyizhai 168g/bag 2009.01.01 Linyi Da Song Food Co., Ltd. Benzoic acid

    Three Oils, Yimeng, Three Silks, Baiyizhai, 168g/bag, 2009.01.01, Linyi Da Song Food Co., Ltd.

    Appetizing Three Silk Baiyizhai 180g/bag 2008.12.12 Linyi Da Song Food Co., Ltd. Benzoic acid

    Research shows that eating more red food is good for your health

    Source: Economic Reference

    Red is not only reminiscent of love and passion, but also a color associated with the health of the heart, brain, and urinary system. According to reports, red fruits and vegetables are of great benefit to our health and should be eaten more.

    According to Mexico’s “The Cosmopolitan” recently reported that red fruits and vegetables are mainly rich in anti-cytokine, antioxidants and lycopene. These ingredients can prevent cancer, especially lung cancer, prostate cancer and gastrointestinal cancer. They can also delay aging and help prevent macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a major cause of blindness in older people over the age of 65.

     The red fruits and vegetables that we commonly find in daily life include: strawberries, cherries, watermelons, raspberries, red apples, red radishes, tomatoes, etc. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and are helpful in treating some chronic diseases.


