• 尊龙凯时参鸡汤



    Micco group:
    Telephones: 0315-6923788

    Ministry of international trade:
    Telephones: 0315-6925878
    Fax: 0315-6924638
    Ministry of domestic trade:
    Telephones: 0315-6921919
    Chicken products sales:
    Telephones: 0315-6927888
    Fax: 0315-6921889
    Email address: mkd@obfal.com
    Website:  https://enmeikeduo.mycn86.cn
    Address: industrial park, zunhua city, tangshan city, hebei province

    Ginseng chicken soup

    Your current position: Home >> Products >> Ginseng chicken soup
    Shen chicken soup is prepared with Sanqing Sanyang chicken as the main raw material, together with various ingredients such as ginseng, Chinese wolfberry, jujube, longan, etc. It is carefully stewed with modern production techniques. The chicken taste is delicate and tender, light and delicious, and the fragrance is overflowing. Rich in protein and trace elements required by the body, it is a nutritious, delicious, green and healthy food.