• 尊龙凯时参鸡汤



    Micco group:
    Telephones: 0315-6923788

    Ministry of international trade:
    Telephones: 0315-6925878
    Fax: 0315-6924638
    Ministry of domestic trade:
    Telephones: 0315-6921919
    Chicken products sales:
    Telephones: 0315-6927888
    Fax: 0315-6921889
    Email address: mkd@obfal.com
    Website:  https://enmeikeduo.mycn86.cn
    Address: industrial park, zunhua city, tangshan city, hebei province

    Prepared foods

    Your current position: Home >> Products >> Prepared foods
    Quick-frozen conditioning food selection of quality chicken raw materials, the use of advanced production technology, modern production equipment, strict QS management, together with natural spices processing. The main production of Sichuan chicken, flesh and blood, inner pill, meat skewer, happy wing root, toothpick meat, crispy chicken leg, boneless chicken, magic chicken, marinated wing root, pickled leg, leg, small Dozens of varieties such as breast meat.
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